Replacement hardwood bay windows
We were recently asked to look at replacing some feature windows in a property dating from 1885.
These included bay windows which featured the original pictorial stained glass effect but which were suffering badly from wet and dry rot.
The client was anxious that we tried to maintain the original look of the house and was impressed that we came up with an appropriate solution to the problem.
We suggested that we could create new hardwood windows and bays and had a full-scale section of the bay made to show how the new windows would look & feel.
The existing stone sills were removed along with some brick work which was then relaid and bedded level. New lead was used to re-insulate the roof above.
We then fitted the new hardwood windows which now included modern draught exclusion.
The existing lead lights were removed from the old windows, cleaned, re-leaded and encapsulated into the new double glazed units.
The windows now look as good as new but retain all the original character of the house. The clients wife simply wouldn’t believe we had replaced like for like and saved the lead lights.
Another happy customer!